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Aroma oil “Peace calming”

“Peace calming” is made from five essential oils, including orange and tangerine, containing natural limonene. Patchouli and Roman chamomile, caring for your skin. This blend also contains ylang-ylang essential oil, obtained by steam distillation. Its pleasant aroma makes it an excellent companion for yoga, bedtime and massage. Ideal for diffusing, creates a positive and peaceful atmosphere.



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"Peace calming" is made from five essential oils, including orange and tangerine, containing natural limonene. Patchouli and Roman chamomile, caring for your skin. This blend also contains ylang-ylang essential oil, obtained by steam distillation. Its pleasant aroma makes it an excellent companion for yoga, bedtime and massage. Ideal for diffusing, creates a positive and peaceful atmosphere.

Useful properties:

  • Has a soothing fresh citrus aroma;
  • Creates a tranquil environment for meditation and yoga;
  • Helps children and animals on a hyperactive day;
  • Freshens the air.

Ingredients: Orange, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Roman Chamomile essential oils.

Additional information

Oil aroma

Citrucy, Gentle, Herbal, Rich

Oil type


Oil volume

10 ml


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