Brewing Method

Mar 6, 2024 | Tea

To get the maximum benefit from drinking tea, it must be properly prepared, since with improper brewing, even good elite tea can be spoiled. The quality of the finished drink is affected by dishes, water and, of course, the temperature of boiling water, chosen for brewing tea. Therefore, some rules should also be observed here.

To prepare a tea drink, it is recommended to use only pure water (bottled or filtered), with the lowest content of various impurities and minerals. This will help to convey the true taste and aroma of tea.

The best for brewing tea, is considered to be dishes made of Isin clay and porcelain, but glass and ceramic dishes of high quality are also well suited.

The temperature for cooking can also vary depending on the type of tea and the specific variety. But there are basic guidelines here.

  • Green, white and yellow tea is brewed at a temperature of 70-85 ° C, since boiling water can kill all the useful properties of these types of tea.
  • Red/black and oolong – 80–95°С.
  • Puer – 100°С.

According to the Chinese tea tradition, the first brew must be immediately drained, thereby the tea is washed from possible dust and dirt. Dishes should also be doused with boiling water to warm up and disinfect. After following these simple recommendations, you can proceed to the process of brewing tea.

There are two known ways to make tea:

  1. A more familiar method to Europeans, by the method of insistence.
  2. The traditional Chinese way of brewing ¬is by strait.

Brewing tea by insisting

For brewing by insisting, less tea is required, but the cooking time increases. Many people are familiar with this method, it is necessary to add the necessary amount of tea to the teapot and pour boiling water. Depending on the variety and volume of water, on average, about 3-4 grams of tea per 250 ml of water are used. The infusion time depends on individual preferences, usually it is 2-3 minutes. To obtain a stronger drink, you should increase the infusion time or use a larger amount of tea for brewing. When you reach the desired infusion, tea is poured into each other. cups or bowls. The procedure can be repeated 2-4 times, increasing the infusion time.

Brewing tea by spilling

This method is suitable mainly for Chinese large-leaf varieties of tea. From the method of infusion, it is distinguished by the possibility of repeated brewing of tea from 5 to 10 times. For cooking, use a teapot or gaiwan. The proportions of tea for brewing by spill are approximately 3-5 grams of tea per 150 ml of water. Cooking time begins with 10-20 seconds and can reach 1-2 minutes, since with each subsequent time the brewing time increases by 5-10 seconds. Achieving the desired concentration of the drink is also regulated by the cooking time and the amount of tea for brewing.

Now you are familiar with the basic information about Chinese teas and can confidently conduct your tea ceremonies. Have a nice tea party!

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