History of Tea

Apr 12, 2024 | Tea

Over the years, people have discovered many foods consumed as food or beverages, one of which is tea.

According to various sources and ancient writings, the history of tea begins about 5 thousand years ago. Some records indicate that tea leaves used to be used as food or medicine. According to one of the legends, tea was first tasted by one of the most important heroes of Chinese culture, the patron saint of agriculture and medicine, Shen-nong. One day during a trip, several tea tree leaves accidentally fell into a cauldron where water was boiling. The infusion turned out to be so rich in taste and invigorating that Shen-nong liked it very much and he began to drink such an infusion daily, after which many others began to use this drink.

The planting of tea trees for cultivation and processing in China began around 300 B.C. Initially, tea was served exclusively in the imperial and higher ranks, and later plants with tea leaves began to be grown more and more in various regions and the craft gradually took the form of mass production. So tea ceremonies have become one of the traditional treasures of China and many people hold them regularly, as a ritual. Someone to heal and cleanse the body, and someone to raise the mood and cheerfulness of the spirit.

In Japan, the leaves of the tea tree came a little later sometime in the 800s, and in the 1200s the plants began to grow themselves. In the 18th century, tea was brought to Taiwan and the island of Java, where its mass production also began. Tea began to spread and gained worldwide fame. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Europeans learned about tea, and in India and Indonesia the first plants were already planted, which later turned into huge plantations of tea bushes. Tea was also discovered in England, South America and Russia, a little later tea began to be grown in the southern regions of Russia.

At the moment, tea has gained worldwide fame and it is drunk daily in many countries. The range of varieties has increased, new methods of processing and making tea have appeared, and the scale of production has moved to a new level. Natural tea has a large number of useful substances, due to which it has a positive effect on health, invigorates and lifts the mood, warms in the cold and cools in the heat, so its popularity only continues to grow.

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